10 June 2009

Multi-Agency CERT Disaster Drill... CliffsNotes Style

Greetings and salutations! Thanks to Reserve Lt. Alex Lopez, we have a wonderful 6:46 version of a very exciting day for CERT students and active CR members alike. This successful disaster drill and CERT graduation was made possible by the mutual efforts of DeKalb's Fire Rescue, Police Department, SWAT Team, Bomb Squad, Roads and Drainage Department, and Medical Examiner's Office, as well as Decatur Fire.

In a simulated small town tornado CERT students came upon over 75 wounded patients meticulously staged all over the Fire Academy. As the scene unfolded they were to set up an Incident Command center, do a full scene size up, and deploy their teams to suppress small fires, perform search and rescue operations, and triage and treat all patients. When public safety responded roughly 45 minutes later, they were able to integrate and utilize the tremendous resource CERT offers in continuing the rescue efforts.

A hostage situation was soon reported and bombs were detonated. It was an exciting day for all involved, not just the students completing the final step of their nine-week class.

DeKalb is very proud of its residents who are stepping up to answer the call.

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1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This goes out to all the volunteers with CERT, Fire, Police, SWAT, and Medical teams, that gave up their time to assist with training all of us new CERT members. The day was truly a learning experience for all. I would be proud and honored to stand by the side of any of these members to assist with a Disaster Emergency!

    Warmest thoughts,

    Angela Neale
